So today, I thought I would share with you my top 1. And hopefully, making it all the more affordable and tasty and inspiring as well. If you have other tips or questions to share on the topic, by all means, add them in the comments below and let’s get a good discussion going. Also, be sure to tune back in tomorrow (and future Saturdays) for more recipe suggestions in my new Single Serving Saturday series. I’ve got lots of delicious ideas on the way.
Alright, let’s talk cooking for one! I love how Tracy, from Shutterbean, regularly shares about the meal PREP side of meal planning on her blog and Instagram. Mega inspiring. 1. Actually) make a meal plan. This is probably the most obvious tip in the world, but it bears repeating because it’s always effective — take some time to plan out your meals. In advance. Like, before you go to the grocery store.
Cooking for one? Check out these single-serving recipes portioned perfectly for solo diners. Sodastream Recipes. Cooking for one person can be quite difficult–and, frankly, very boring. That ends today! Kick up your meal time and treat yourself to a. Browse more than 270 recipes perfect for on-the-go singles. Find recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between.
I’ll admit that I’m a totally impulsive cook and am generally terrible at doing this. Zucchini Desserts there. But when I do, the results are always convicting. I cook way more delicious, fresh and healthy meals when I plan ahead (versus the last- resort cold bowl of cereal). I waste less money at the grocery store (versus the maybe- I’ll- actually- use- this- ingredient- this- week impulse buys).
I actually set aside the time required to cook these planned out meals if the ingredients are at home waiting for me (versus just giving up and going out to eat). And bonus — when I plan out meals in advance, I can also think through a plan for leftovers so that they aren’t wasted either. Planning ahead really does make me a better cook.
But that said, it’ll only be successful if you’re realistic about it. If you happen to hate planning, then learn how to stock a kitchen with quality staples so that you can be spontaneous. If you love to eat out with friends, maybe start out by planning 1- 3 homemade dinners a week, making extra helpings for leftovers that you can have for lunch the next day or freeze. If your work schedule is totally up in the air for the week, plan out meals with ingredients that could be frozen or last for 2 or 3 weeks, instead of using lots of fresh produce that might only last a few days. Or if you don’t have time to cook during the week, schedule a cooking day on Sunday and store up a few meals that you can freeze or keep in the refrigerator. Go with what works for you. And hey, the good news for meal planning is that there are new apps and websites and resources popping up daily that can help you out.
So make a plan (and hey, I know a great food blog where you can get all sorts of ideas)…and get cookin’. Just a little pic of the EPIC flagship Whole Foods by our house in Austin.
Shop the bulk bins and deli counter. Oh man, I can’t recommend this enough. Spend time familiarizing yourself with everything in the bulk bins at your favorite grocery stores, and then shop the heck out of them. Bulk bin pricing is usually equally or less expensive than buying ingredients in full- sized packaging. And you can buy exactly how much you need. On the same note, take some time to familiarize yourself with the deli counter!
I can’t tell you how many single people I’ve talked to who have no idea that you can buy a single chicken breast, rather than a pack of 4. Or 1/4 pound of shrimp, instead of the frozen 1 pound. Or — my favorite — just 3 slices of your favorite cheese, rather than an entire wedge.
When cooking for one, the deli counter is your friend! Also, the people working behind the counter should totally become your friends. They can be a fantastic resources in giving great recommendations on what to buy for a recipe, or how to prepare a cut of meat, or what items are the freshest (or best deals) that week. They can also help with preparation, such as removing the skin or bones from a piece of salmon, or taking the fat off a piece of steak. And deli counters usually also run weekly specials, so keep an eye out for great deals! Don’t overbuy produce.
I feel like I should disclaim that I am also very terrible with this. The produce section of the grocery store is like Disneyland to me. It’s magical and inspiring and beautiful and I want to buy it all.
BUT, experience has taught me that whenever you can, resist the urge. Because unless fresh produce can be frozen or canned, it will be the food in your kitchen that goes bad the quickest. So even if you don’t plan out all of your meals for the week, at least try to plan out your produce and resist the urge to overbuy.