Menu Plan With Shopping List
Day Fix ALDI Meal Plan and Shopping List. I’m so excited to be partnering with Kristal at Aldimom. She has provided us with an entire 2.
Day Fix meal plan based on the affordable goodies at Aldi. Proof that eating well doesn’t have to cost a lot! If you like this menu plan, comment below and let us know. What Does Parsley Look Like there.
7-day meal plan to save money. When you’re trying to stick to a budget, meal planning is the golden ticket. This 7-day meal plan and shopping list boasts delicious. FREE Printable Menu Planner & Grocery List Tips like these helped us pay off $127K in debt. You can read our story in Slaying the Debt Dragon: How One Family.
· October Unprocessed: one-week challenge of zero processed food for my whole family. Find out what we're going to eat and why we're doing the project.
Also, give us your feedback. Kristal would like to create more of these for us. Looking for a 2. 1 Day Fix Challenge Group? Fill out our Challenge Group Application (it’s also below).
Affordable 2. 1 Day Fix Weekly Menu with ALDI – Menu #1. Calorie Plan. If your plan requires more calories, increase servings as needed. Use your containers as your guide for serving sizes. Monday. B: 1/2 Whole Wheat Mini Bagel. Nut Butter. Sliced Strawberries. L: Romaine Lettuce Boat.

Shredded Chicken Breast. Chopped Tomatoes. Dressing. Snack: Shakeology, Greek Yogurt,Blueberries.
Wonder what in the world we eat on a $200 grocery budget? Here's our frugal menu plan for the last two weeks. It shows exactly what our family of 5 ate! There are.
D: Turkey Meatballs. Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes. Steamed Carrots. Snack: String Cheese. Tuesday. B: Oatmeal and Blueberries. L: Leftover Turkey Meatballs.
Steamed Broccoli with Shredded Cheddar. Snack: Shakeology. D: Oven Baked Chicken Breast. Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes. Steamed Carrots. Snack: Greek Yogurt and Strawberries.
Wednesday. B: 1/2 Whole Wheat Mini Bagel. Strips Turkey Bacon with Melted Shredded Cheddar. L: Romaine Lettuce Chopped. Shredded Chicken Breast. Chopped Tomatoes. Dressing. Snack: Shakeology and an Apple. D: Turkey Salsa Soup Snack: Grapes.
Thursday. B: Scrambled Eggs. Slice Whole Wheat Toast. Fresh Strawberries. L: Ground Turkey and Peppers(Eat me in a bowl!)Apple and Nut Butter. Snack: Shakeology. D: Turkey Salsa Soup Leftovers(When you make something like this, it’s always a good idea to make extra and store it.
Prepping your food is one way of helping you stay on track with your menu plan!)Snack: String Cheese and Peanuts. Friday. B: Oatmeal and Blueberries. L: 2 tsp Nut Butter. Slice Whole Wheat Bread. String Cheese. Snack: Shakeology. D: Two Oven Baked Chicken Breasts. Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes.
Steamed Carrots. Snack: Greek Yogurt and Strawberries. Saturday. B: Scrambled Eggs. L: Hummus mixed with Shredded Chicken Breast. Pita Chips. Snack: Shakeology, 1 Apple, and Nut Butter. D: Whole Wheat Spaghetti Noodles and Sauce. Steamed Broccoli and Carrots.
Snack: Two Hard Boiled Eggs. Sunday. B: Greek Yogurt and Blueberries. L: Shredded Chicken and Peppers. Whole Wheat Wrap.
Snack: Shakeology, 1/2 Whole Wheat Mini Bagel, 1 tsp. Nut Butter. D: Chopped Romaine with Shredded Chicken Breast. Tomatoes, Dressing, Shredded Cheese. Snack: Grapes. ALDI SHOPPING LISTL’Oven Fresh Whole Wheat Mini Bagels. Fit N Active Whole Wheat Bread. Fit N Active Whole Wheat Wraps. Nut Butter of Your Choice(Various available at ALDI.)Strawberries.
Grapes. Apples. Blueberries. Romaine Hearts x. Bags. Tomatoes. Fresh Cauliflower Heads x. Red, Orange, Yellow Peppers. Eggs. Turkey Bacon.
Plain Greek Yogurt. Bags Kirkwood Frozen Chicken Breasts. Fit N Active 9. 3% Ground Turkey x. Baby Carrots. Potatoes. Fresh Broccoli. Fit N Active Whole Wheat Pasta. Fit N Active Pasta Sauce or Simply Nature Tomato Sauce.
Oatmeal(You will need rolled oats for the Turkey Balls recipe so if you want to have steel- cut for breakfast get both varieties.)Fit N Active Shredded Cheddar. This shopping list is around $1. How to prepare for the 2.
Day Fix. How to save money on 2. Day Fix foods. How to figure out container counts for mixed foods on 2. Day Fix. Frequently asked 2. Day Fix Questions. How to create a 2. Day Fix Meal Plan. Day Fix Container Sizes.
Day Fix Food List. Day Fix Meal Plans. Day Fix Snacks. 21 Day Fix Extreme.