Stone Soup
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Stone Soup — Stories, Poems, and Art by Kids. We hope you've been enjoying Stone Soup, the website and magazine by and for kids. There are lots of ways you can get involved and make a difference for us. Please join our email list in the box to your right to receive our free weekly newsletter, filled with bonus materials, contests, and news about the latest developments at Stone Soup.
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- Stone Soup is an old folk story in which hungry strangers convince the people of a town to each share a small amount of their food in order to make a meal that everyone enjoys.
- Stone Soup by Jan Eliot for Oct 15, 2017
- “I really love your magazine and eagerly await each issue. It really inspires and encourages me to dig deeper and write more.” — Isabel Hewgley, age 12, Arizona.
- Stone Soup; Benefits. Its Board of Directors is composed of knowledgeable community leaders is representative of the entire Greater. Canton, Ohio 44702. 330.
Stone Soup; Benefits. to work in 2015 through funded loans totaling $398,362 through United Way of Greater Stark County’s WAYS TO. Canton, Ohio 44702. 330. Stone Soup campaign: United Way shifts focus for 2016. Stone Soup is the theme of the 2016 campaign and is a United Way program. Alliance and Canton today. Nearly every child in elementary school eventually reads — or a teacher or parent reads to them — the classic story, "Stone Soup."In one of the more common.